Well, it's taken me a while to post about our loss because it was and is just downright heartbreaking. Life goes on of course, but it would have been nice to be in Jackson this past weekend watching our boys play. My heart breaks the most for those kids. November 26th was the last and final football game for the majority of our senior players. Those boys wanted it so bad but we just couldn't pull it off. Many talk about there being a "South State" curse at West but I don't believe in curses. I think West will win a South State. When? I don't know but they will.
With that being said, I wanted you to meet some of the boys that have made and impact on mine and Justin's life in the past 5 years. Now, these are definitely not the only one's that are special to us. The players I am going to talk about are linebackers that Justin has coached since the 9th grade. We have become very close to them and will be very sad to see them leave. A few are juniors that I am already dreading graduation. Let's begin. Note: If Justin looks like he has been crying its because he has. These pictures were taken after our playoff win against Vancleave. BIG win! I'm so proud of my emotional husband.....he's a manly man too.

This is Tay. Devontay had played running back the past two years but he started out as a linebacker his freshman year. He and another senior had to step up their freshman year and start because two of our senior linebackers we injured before the season started. This kid is very talented. He has come a long way on AND off the field. Justin had to ride him pretty hard for years because of Tay's behavior issues. He has since straightened up and hopes to play college ball. I can't wait to see who he will sign with. We will miss #1 next year!
This is Matthew I've-had-facial-hair-since-the-4th-grade Farrar. He is the other senior that had to start as a 9th grader years ago. This guy may be small but he is one scrappy dude. Matthew is such a sweet guy. Always polite and very kind hearted. I can't believe he is a senior!!
Next up is Ervin. Ervin transferred from Stringer this year but you would have thought he had been here since the 8th grade. What a personality! He is the comedian of the bunch and a sweet, sweet kid. We really wish he would have been with us longer but we are glad to spend what time we did have with him.
OK, so I didn't get a picture with Andrew because we couldn't find him. This one will have to do. Andrew is a man of few words to say the least. I didn't get to know Andrew that well. I think Andrew liked to talk to Justin about anything that was bothering him. I love that these boys have that sense of comfort with our coaches. Warms my heart.
This is Artis aka Scooby. He is a junior but I am already dreading the day he graduates......in 2012. This guy led the team in tackles when he was just a wee freshman. Great player to say the least! Great kid too! Artis is another quiet guy but his demeanor changes once he steps on the field. He reminds me of Dasman McCullum only shorter.
Last but certainly not least is Seth. This child is the kind of kid you hope you kid turns out to be like. After several feedings at our house and while the rest of the guys are watching TV or playing xbox, he is helping me clean up my kitchen! His mother did a great job! Seth is basically like our 3rd child. I will surely shed many tears when he leaves West Jones.
All of these boys have helped make our time at West very rewarding. To watch them grow and mature into great young men is what makes all the time and effort worth while. We wanted more than anything to see these guys experience playing in Jackson and possibly win a State Championship. I'm sure the memories they have made thus far will produce many great stories in the future. We sure have plenty!
We are very excited to go watch Ben and Devontay play in the MS/AL All-Star game this weekend in Mobile! So proud of those two guys! Two very exciting futures!!